3 min readNov 10, 2024


In this post, I’ll walk you through solving the ”Verify” challenge, where we explore remote server access, checksum verification, and decryption.

Challenge Overview

In this challenge, we’re given access to a remote server. Our mission? Identify a specific file based on a checksum and decrypt it to find the flag.

Step 1: Connecting to the Remote Server

We start by logging into the server with SSH (Secure Shell), a protocol that allows secure remote access to another computer. Here’s the command we used ( which was given in the challenge) :

ssh -p 59766 ctf-player@rhea.picoctf.net

- The ‘-p 59766’ part specifies the port to connect to.
- ‘ctf-player@rhea.picoctf.net’ is the username and the address of the remote server.

When you’re prompted with a security message about the server’s authenticity, type `yes` and press Enter. Once connected, enter the password provided in the challenge.

Step 2: Checking What’s on the Server

After logging in, we list the files available on the server to understand what we’re working with:


We see three items here: `checksum.txt`, a `decrypt.sh` script, and a `files` directory. Each plays a role in the challenge.

ls files

ls list all the files present in the ‘file’ directory.

Step 3: View the Checksum Value

The `checksum.txt` file contains a hash value (a unique string generated from a file’s content) that we’ll use to identify the correct file. To view it, we use:

cat checksum.txt

We’ll use this checksum to find a matching file in the `files` directory.

Step 4: Calculate the SHA-256 Hash for Each File

Our goal is to match the `checksum.txt` value with one of the files in the `files` directory. We can generate SHA-256 hashes for all files there using:

sha256sum files/*

This command calculates a hash for each file, helping us find the one with a matching checksum.

Step 5: Filtering for the Matching Hash

With several files and hashes in front of us, we’ll use the `grep` command to quickly find the one that matches the checksum from `checksum.txt`:

sha256sum files/* | grep "467a10447deb3d4e17634cacc2a68ba6c2bb62a6637dad9145ea673bf0be5e02"

We see that the file `files/c6c8b911` matches our checksum!

Step 6: Checking the File Type

The next step is to figure out what kind of file we’re dealing with. We use the `file` command to check:

file files/c6c8b911

This tells us the file is encrypted with OpenSSL, which means we’ll need a password to decrypt it.

Step 7: Decrypting the File

The challenge conveniently provides a script called `decrypt.sh`, which is likely designed to help us decrypt this file. We run it with the target file as input:

./decrypt.sh files/c6c8b911

And there it is! The flag for this challenge is `picoCTF{trust_but_verify_c6c8b911}`.




Written by Gresecure

Cyber Security | OSINT buff | Digital 4n6 novice| Security& Privacy Aficionado !